4-9 August 2024 - Brasília, Brazil

28th VEMEWorkshop

28th International Bioinformatics & Virus Evolution & Molecular Epidemiology (VEME)

Fiocruz, Brasília, Brazil


Why attend VEME2024?

Computer-based approaches are central to clinical and biological research. The Virus Evolution and Molecular Epidemiology (VEME) 2024 workshop provides essential training for working in these cross-cutting fields.

This workshop gathers top researchers from across the world, who will provide in-depth understanding of both practical and theoretical concepts of bioinformatics. Participants will be equipped to address bioinformatics questions and offer insight to peers and society, advancing the field and improving public health.

Our programme consists of four separate modules that will provide an overview of the current methods used to analyze the vast data generated by modern DNA sequencing technologies, including:
1-Phylogeny inference;
2-Evolutionary Hypothesis Testing;
3-Next Generation Sequencing;
4-Genomic Surveillance For Public Health.
